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January 2021 Culture Calendar

Start the year with a bang - see our calendar of activites

Felicia Goutama avatar
Written by Felicia Goutama
Updated over 3 years ago

Welcome to 2021! Hope you and your team had a good holiday break and is ready to tackle 2021.

It's important to start the year with a bang. Hold a company-wide meeting, set expectations for targets and outline goals for 2021 to remind the team what they're working towards. Use our culture calendar to help guide your activities this month, alongside our weekly focus.

Week 1: Goal setting

4 - 10 January

Admin to-do list:

  • Strategy & Leadership - it's important for team members to understand what they're working towards. If you're a People Leader, make sure you take this week to set out clear goals for the team or organise a planning meeting to see what this quarter would look like. There's a good article from BPlans to help you set team goals that actually work.

  • Managers - Encourage your team to also have their own personal goal - either personal or professional goal. The idea is to share this with the team and keep them accountable - we know how many new year resolutions that never come to be!

  • Recognition - Create a recognition poll to celebrate any team members who worked through the holiday period. Poll idea: "Who held down the fort over the summer break?"

  • Reward - it's Houseplant Appreciation Day on 10 Jan. Reward poll winner with succulents with Little Succers.

Week 2: Company-wide business update

11 - 17 January

Admin to-do list:

  • Communication - Organise an all-hands meeting to communicate this year's goals and targets. All-hands meeting is very important to bring everyone on the same page and set the tone for the year ahead. Read this awesome article around communication if your team works in shifts or this article to improve communication in general.

  • Recognition - Create a recognition poll to celebrate any team members who has been super focused since they came back from the holidays. Poll idea: "Who has made an impressive return after the holidays?"

  • Recognition - Gather all People Leaders and remind them about being diligent at giving shout outs to their team. Our most recent study has uncovered what perks employees want in 2021. Overall, the top perk remains discounts, followed by greater recognition for their work, so it's important that management has a clear strategy on recognising their team. Read more about the research here.

Week 3: Perks to support team's individual goals

18 - 24 January

Admin to-do list:

  • Promote perks to support individual's wellbeing goals - mental, financial, community and physical health. Send a communication to the team on what perks can support their new year goals. Here's an email template you can tweak:

Hi everyone

Hope all of you had a good break and is ready for 2021!

The new year usually brings new personal goals and resolutions, so I wanted to remind you that via Perkbox, you have access to hundreds of perks that can support your mental, financial, community and physical health goals.

A few highlights:

- Learn something new with Blinkist (free or save up to 50% off Premium annual subscription if this doesn't appear under your Free Perks). Blinkist gives you access to thousands of non-fiction books and condenses it into 15 minutes snippets - designed to help you read something new speedily!

- Give mindfulness a go with Aura (free or save up to 30% off Premium annual subscription if this doesn't appear under your Free Perks). Aura is the 'Spotify' of mindfulness. The more you use it, the more personalised mindfulness journey it'll take you.

- Forge your financial wellness with Pocketsmith (save up to 50%). Pocketsmith helps to manage your budget and keep you accountable to achieve your financial goals.

- Do good for the environment - offset your carbon footprint with Trace (get 1 month free on Mini / Medium footprint plans)

- Get active with Boxx (free) and get Fitbit (save 20%) to keep track of your fitness activity. Don't forget your fitness gears at Rebel Sports (save 7%) or The Iconic (save 20%).

- Eat better with Lifesum (save 50%) - a digital self-care app to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle through better eating.

Good luck!

<sender's name>

Week 4: Kick-start recognition in 2021 with our 52 poll ideas

25 - 31 January

Admin to-do list:

  • Recognition - There are 2 special days this week - one is an appreciation day for your Community Manager and the second is Data Protection Day. Create a poll or encourage People Leaders to give shout outs to their Community Manager or IT / Engineering / Technical team.

  • Recognition - If you don't have either of these functions in your team, check out our 52 Poll Ideas to kick start your recognition for 2021.

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