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July 2021 Culture Calendar

Use our culture calendar to drive Perkbox engagement

Sasha Berger avatar
Written by Sasha Berger
Updated over 3 years ago

Who can believe we’re in the second half of the year already!? July crept up on us quickly, as we come to the end of the financial year, it’s a great time to remind yourself why you signed up the Perkbox. Maybe it was to reward your staff for their amazing hard work, recognise each other for all the wonderful things you do everyday, or attract the best talent.

It’s important to constantly remember the ‘why?’ Keeping the ‘why?’ at the forefront of your mind will ensure you drive Perkbox within your company and squeeze the most out of it.

Week 1: July 1 - 9th

Kick off July with NAIDOC week

Admin to-do list:

  • Our July starts on a Thursday this month, and the focus of the first week is on NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee).

  • The NAIDOC theme this year is 'Heal Country' and is about recognising just how important Country is to our Australian identity- spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally. More information can be found here.

  • If you don't have something planned already, here's some ways you can celebrate NAIDOC week in the office:

  • If you have a First Nations colleague, invite them to host a lunch n learn where they talk about a topic related to NAIDOC. Topics can be based around their relationship to Country, their families history in Australia, or something they choose.

Important note: how ever you wish to spend NAIDOC week, please ensure you speak to your First Nations colleagues to ensure that they are comfortable with the plans for the week. They may have some fantastic ideas of how to celebrate too, be open to their suggestions.

Hi there team,

Happy July! Welcome to the new financial year, July is going to be a great month and I'm excited to share what we have in store. July kicks off with NAIDOC week. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, and is a very important week to commemorate in a meaningful way.

The theme of this year's NAIDOC week is 'Heal Country'. This is about recognising just how inherent Country is to our Australian identity- spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally.

If you would like to attend a NADIOC sponsored event, take a look at the local events here: It would be awesome to round up a team of us to attend something together.

We have some fun activities in-store so please keep your eyes peeled for more details about this coming up soon.

Have a happy week!


Week 2: July 9 - 18th

Youth Education Week

Admin to-do list:

  • If movies are more of your thing, encourage the team to use our new perk- iWonder, a documentary streaming service (you'll receive 50% off with Perkbox).

  • July 10th is National Compliment Your Mirror Day, if you have some white board marker, write some positive affirmations on the bathroom mirrors.

  • Your Boxx app has loads of affirmations on their '30 days of You' page. Download these and post them all over the office to remind your team of how special they are.

Week 3 + 4: July 19- 31st

All About Positive Affirmations

Admin to-do list:

  • The last two weeks of July are pretty quiet in terms of National Days and commemorations, but that doesn't mean you can't still drive Perkbox and boost engagement amongst the team.

  • Admins who have our Reward and Recognition product should take the next two weeks to boost Recognition usage. Focus efforts on setting up a weekly poll and attach a small voucher ( Every Friday our Sydney office vote in a poll and the winner gets a reward of a $10 HeyYou voucher).

    • Here are some Poll ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

  • July 20th is World Chess Day, host a Chess game at lunch with a small prize for the winner.

  • July 30th is National Friendship Day, put all your teammates names in a hat and pull out pairs. Those pairs have to take each other for a coffee or lunch date. If your company has the budget, give each team mate $5-$10 Hey You reward to spend on the friend date.

That's all folks! Have an awesome July, stay warm, and as always- reach out to us with any questions.

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